PCHD Services
We offer a HD Care Consultant to provide professional social services at no cost to the HD community. The HD Care Consultant provides supportive counseling for individuals and families living with HD including but not limited to: assisting with the disability process, caregiver/client phone support, virtual support groups, various educational and social events, community resource referrals and assisting with long term planning.
Our Care Consultant is Sherri McELfatrick, LMSW, Sherri is a Licensed Social Worker with a background in case management with the chronically ill as well as over a decade working in hospice and palliative care. Most of our care consultant work is done via phone, we can also set up a virtual meeting. Please call or email Sherri with any inquiries, she is happy to provide assistance. She can be reached at 215-219-3521 or
In addition to phone support, Sherri currently runs two virtual support groups as well as volunteering at the HDSA Center of Excellence at University of Pennsylvania providing support on clinic days.
Caregiver Support Group
Meets the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm, virtually.
HD Support Group
Meets the fourth Monday of the month at 9am, virtually.